I'm trying to export some data from my sandbox org for import into a scratch org, but I seem to be encountering an issue with my query:

enter image description here

MediaQualitySetJunction__c looks like this:

enter image description here

And this is the query I'm using:

    (SELECT Id, Name, Width__c, Height__c, Resolution__c FROM MediaQuality__r)
FROM MediaQualitySetJunction__c

The full error:

Didn't understand relationship 'mediaquality__r' in FROM part of query call. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.

I'm referencing MediaQuality by the its name on the junction object (with the __r suffix). I've also tried it without this suffix, and with the "Child Relationship Name" I see in Salesforce (MediaQualityJunction), with and without the __r, and I still get the same error.

Based on sfdcfox's answer, I've tried the following export:

sfdx force:data:tree:export -u "[email protected]" -q "SELECT Id, Name, MediaQuality__r.Id, MediaQuality__r.Name, MediaQuality__r.Width__c, MediaQuality__r.Height__c, MediaQuality__r.Resolution__c, MediaQualitySet__r.Id, MediaQualitySet__r.Name FROM MediaQualitySetJunction__c"

Which produces the following JSON:

    "records": [
                "type": "MediaQualitySetJunction__c",
                "referenceId": "MediaQualitySetJunction__cRef1"
            "Name": "000035",
                    "type": "MediaQuality__c",
                    "url": "/services/data/v50.0/sobjects/MediaQuality__c/a020p000001WR5oAAG"
                "Id": "a020p000001WR5oAAG",
                "Name": "1080p",
                "Width__c": 1920,
                "Height__c": 1080,
                "Resolution__c": "1920x1080"
                    "type": "MediaQualitySet__c",
                    "url": "/services/data/v50.0/sobjects/MediaQualitySet__c/a010p000001O3YZAA0"
                "Id": "a010p000001O3YZAA0",
                "Name": "540p, 720p, 1080p (sandbox)"

And then executed the following to import it into my scratch org:

sfdx force:data:tree:import -u [email protected] -f "MediaQualitySetJunction__c.json"

I've confirmed that I have access to all of the fields involved and that the field visibility is checked for the System Administrator. I get the following result from the above command:

    "hasErrors": true,
    "results": [
            "referenceId": "MediaQualitySetJunction__cRef1",
            "errors": [
                    "statusCode": "INVALID_FIELD",
                    "message": "Cannot reference a foreign key field MediaQuality__r.",
                    "fields": []
                    "statusCode": "INVALID_FIELD",
                    "message": "Cannot reference a foreign key field MediaQualitySet__r.",
                    "fields": []

How do I solve this?

1 Answer 1


MediaQuality__c is the apparently parent of MediaQualitySetJunction__c, so you should be querying it as a parent relationship:

FROM MediaQualitySetJunction__c
  • Can I then import the resulting JSON into my scratch org? And is this documentation example wrong in that case? Commented Dec 14, 2020 at 9:45
  • I get the message "ERROR running force:data:tree:import: Cannot deserialize instance of <unknown> from VALUE_NUMBER_INT value 1920 or request may be missing a required field" when I try to import the JSON produced by this. I've confirmed that the fields all exist, etc. in my scratch org. Commented Dec 14, 2020 at 10:10
  • @John No, the documentation is correct. Broker__c is a parent of Property__c. You had your query backwards (as noted in my answer). In your scratch org, did you make sure all the field level security is set for your profile/permission set? Your JSON might be missing something, maybe you missed a field in your query?
    – sfdcfox
    Commented Dec 14, 2020 at 10:37
  • I've edited my question to include the JSON that is output, and the error I get when I try to import it. I'm also not sure how MediaQuality and MediaQualitySet can be the joint owners of MediaQualitySetJunction. Commented Dec 15, 2020 at 5:23

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