I'm quite new to SQL and I've hit a road block in my knowledge. I am using Automation Studio to write a SQL query that takes the data from a data extension and transforms it into JSON. The idea will be to push the JSON data to another part of the business later on.
So I have written the following query:
id AS 'SubscriberKey',
First_Name AS 'FirstName',
Last_Name AS 'LastName',
Email AS 'EmailAddress',
Phone AS 'MobilePhone',
Cover_Type AS '[Need cover for]'
FROM [Health_Affiliate_Email_Capture]
Problem is I don't know how to tell the query to put the JSON into a field called Data that is in the same table.
Health_Affiliate_Email_Capture will be capturing data that comes in from a form.
Can someone please tell me what I am missing?