In Summer 20, we have a possibility of define a "Run mode" of a Visual Flow, to run avoiding user permission, as we can see on this link: Run Flows That Bypass User Permissions.
But when you create a flow, with "System Context Without Sharing-Access All Data" option on "How to run flow" field and pulled it from Scratch org to your local branch, you receive a flow metadata (xml) without any reference to this "Run mode". In related link (Tooling API New and Changed Objects ), they refer to a runInMode field and SystemModeWithoutSharing (enum) option to set you flow without user permission... but it isn't on metadata. Look at this flow metadata example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Flow xmlns="">
<interviewLabel>test {!$Flow.CurrentDateTime}</interviewLabel>
Any ideas how to add this "RunInMode" and "SystemModeWithoutSharing" on flow metadata?