Note* I am a beginner attempting to jump from level 1 to level 10 coding because there is no easy way to accomplish the task.
I need to prevent users from inserting duplicates of a custom object based on two related object lookup fields. The best way to accomplish this is to wrap them into a class so apex is not mixing up the values during batches. I have successfully created a wrapper class but I cannot seem to pass and evaluate the list properly. I am getting the following errors:
- Error:Constructor not defined: [ChangeOrderTriggerHandler.ChangeOrderWrapper].()
- From my understanding, I do not have a constructor set up for this type but I cannot find documentation to help guide me into creating this?
- Error:Comparison arguments must be compatible types: Id, Object
- I don't quite understand this as the comparisons are both using id.field
If this is all incorrect I wouldn't be surprised, just let me know. Thanks in advance!
public with sharing class ChangeOrderTriggerHandler {
public class ChangeOrderWrapper{
public Asset ast {
get ; private set;
public Opportunity opp {
get ; private set;
public ChangeOrderWrapper(Asset a, Opportunity o) {
this.ast = a;
this.opp = o;
public List<ChangeOrderWrapper> wrapperList {
get ; private set;
public ChangeOrderTriggerHandler() {
Map<Id, Asset> astMap = new Map<Id, Asset>
([SELECT Id FROM Asset WHERE Id IN (SELECT Asset__c FROM Change_Order__c WHERE Status__c = 'Open' )]);
Map<Id, Opportunity> oppMap = new Map<Id, Opportunity>
([SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE Id IN (SELECT Opportunity__c FROM Change_Order__c WHERE Status__c = 'Open' )]);
List<Change_Order__c> cOrders = [SELECT Asset__c, Opportunity__c FROM Change_Order__c WHERE Status__c = 'Open'];
this.wrapperList = new List<ChangeOrderWrapper>();
for(Change_Order__c co : cOrders)
this.wrapperList.add(new ChangeOrderWrapper(astMap.get(co.Asset__c),oppMap.get(co.Opportunity__c)));
public static void ChangeOrderDuplicateChecker(List<Change_Order__c> cos)
{ ChangeOrderWrapper cow = new ChangeOrderWrapper();
for(Change_Order__c co :
if(co.asset__c == cow.ast && co.opportunity__c == cow.opp)