In the build.xml , is there a way to specify a list of test classes to be added for running on deployment from a external file instead of hard coding it in the build.xml


<target name="deployCode">
    <sf:deploy username="${sf.username}" password="${sf.password}" 
           sessionId="${sf.sessionId}" serverurl="${sf.serverurl}"
           deployroot="codepkg" testLevel="RunSpecifiedTests">

In thee above the TestClass1, TestClass2, TestClass3. I would like that to be read from another file int he root folder.

1 Answer 1


It's not possible using just what's included in the Ant Toolkit. I would recommend asking this on Stack Overflow to see if someone has an Ant-only solution (I'd be interesting in hearing about that, too, just for my own edification).

I would recommend moving to Salesforce DX, which allows you to use Test Suites. A suite is configured in Salesforce, and can be referenced by name in a bash script. It's also perfectly possible to use bash to read the contents of a file into a variable, then put that in place of a parameter to DX, which is functionally equivalent to what you're asking for, just in a different toolkit.

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