Cloud Craze, aka Salesforce B2B Commerce. Joy and sorrow of the e-commerce world, but mostly sorrow.
I am trying to modify the structure of the CCRZ object in Cloud Craze, and I need to understand which process is in charge of building it.
I would like to bring the field “Order Name” to be included within the CCRZ object, so that I can refer to it with Handlebars.
At the moment, the fields I have available for the single order in the client are:
- canAmend: false
- canCancel: false
- canReOrder: true
- cartId: "a500i0OEAQ"
- currencyIsoCode: "EUR"
- encryptedId: "96d-7fa3-4939-b0aa-41292"
- extrinsic: {OrderReference: "917100"}
- name: "O-0000001719"
- orderDate: 1573516800000
- orderDateStr: "11/12/2019"
- orderUtil: {orderComplete: false, showDiscounts: false}
- ownerName: "Alessio"
- paymentMethod: "Prepayment"
- requestDate: "12/9/2019"
- requestDateVal: 1575849600000
- sfid: "a5y1l0000000KrDAAU"
- shippingMethod: "CIP by Ship to Dublin"
- status: "Order Submitted"
- subTotalAmount: 750
- totalAmount: 1373.9
- proto:
I need to include another custom field which is called Order Name (different from the name field you see in position 8 above). Field API name is ccrz__Name__c.
How can I make it surface in the CCRZ object? I tried to modify a class which extends ccrz.ccServiceOrder, by adding the extra field. However, this simple change breaks the checkout process downstream.
I tried to work on a class which extends ccrz.cc_hk_Order, by trying to include the orderName in the extrinsic Map, but to no avail either.
I verified that the Cloud Craze Customer User has read access to that field.
Can anybody out there help me with this or give me a hint?
I will send you a personalized thank you card :) Thanks in advance for your help.