I need to give a specific user to schedule a dashboard and have given the the access through profile system permissions but the targeted user still dont have the option.

enter image description here

Is there any other way to do this?

1 Answer 1


It seems the user has all the required permission but you need to look into these notes, considerations, and limitations:

  1. Each user can set up subscriptions for up to 5 dashboards.
  2. You can subscribe to filtered dashboards, but dashboard filters are never applied to emailed dashboards. When you open the email, the dashboard is displayed unfiltered.
  3. Dashboard subscription emails don't reflect changes made to color palette and theme.
  4. Dashboards that are configured to display data as The dashboard viewer under View Dashboard As settings in Dashboard Properties don’t support subscriptions. You can’t subscribe to them.
  5. In the email to subscribers, the ‘From’ address is taken from My Email Settings. If no address is specified in My Email settings, the ‘From’ address is taken from the User object.

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