I'm trying to insert two master-detail lists at the same time. I'm looking through Bob Buzzard's blog post: http://bobbuzzard.blogspot.com/2012/03/create-parent-and-child-records-in-one.html Where he uses this snipit to create an Account and Contact.
Account acc=new Account(Name='Blog Acc 8', Master_Id__c='Blog Acc 8');
Contact cont=new Contact(FirstName='Bob', LastName='Buzzard', Account=new Account(Master_Id__c='Blog Acc 8'));
I think I'm doing the same thing but I get this error when I try to instantiate parent:
Illegal assignment from Revenue_Pipeline__c to Id
I have one method where I'm creating the parent record:
public static void actions(List<Project_Submission__c> projSubList)
List<Revenue_Pipeline__c> revPipeToUpsert = new List<Revenue_Pipeline__c>();
List<Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c> revPipeSchedule = new List<Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c>();
for(Project_Submission__c ps : projSubList)
Date launch = ps.Target_Launch_Date__c.toStartOfMonth();
String fy = String.valueOf(launch.year());
Date endDate = getfiscalEndDate(fy);
Date startDate = getfiscalStartDate(fy);
if(ps.Year_1_Commercial_Budget__c != null)
String ext = ps.Id + '-' + 'CommercialBudget';
Revenue_Pipeline__c revPipe = new Revenue_Pipeline__c();
revPipe.External_Id__c = ext;
revPipe.NPD_Forecast_Category__c = 'Commercial Budget';
revPipeSchedule.addAll(createschedule(ps.Id, launch, endDate, ps.Year_1_Commercial_Budget__c, ps.CurrencyIsoCode, ext));
Then another method where I am creating the children
public static List<Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c> createSchedule(Id projSubId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Decimal price, String cur, String ext)
List<Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c> revenueScheduleList = new List<Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c>();
Integer numOfMonths = startDate.monthsBetween(endDate) + 1;
Decimal amount = price/numOfMonths;
for(Integer i=0; i < numOfMonths; i++)
Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c revSchedule = new Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c(
Amount__c = amount,
Date__c = startDate.addMonths(i),
//Name = projSubId + ' - ' + Date__c.year() + '-' + Date__c.month(),
CurrencyIsoCode = cur,
Revenue_Pipeline__c = new Revenue_Pipeline__c(External_Id__c = ext)); <----- Error Here
return revenueScheduleList;
What am I doing wrong?