I am getting the following error:

Illegal assignment from SObject to Contact

I created a class called DynamicSObjectUpdater that I use to consolidate DML statements in my triggers. Basically you just call the class getSObject and it appends the SObject to a Map called sorToUpdate and then returns the SObject.

In one of my classes, I am calling the Class and its saying the following code is an illegal assignment from SObject to Contact.

Contact conToUpdate = sObjectUpdater.getSObject(con.Id);

I am not sure what I am missing here to make this work.

public with sharing class DyanmicSObjectUpdater {

    Map<SObjectType, Map<Id, sObject>> sorToUpdate = new Map<SObjectType, Map<Id, sObject>>();

    public SObject getSObject(ID sObjectID)
        SObjectType sot = sObjectID.getSobjectType();

            sorToUpdate.put(sot, new Map<Id, SObject>());

        SObject targetSObject = sorToUpdate.get(sot).get(sObjectID);

        if(targetSObject == null)
            targetSObject = sObjectID.getSobjectType().newSobject(sObjectID);
            sorToUpdate.get(sot).put(sObjectID, targetSObject);

        return targetSObject;

    public void updateSObjects()

        List<SObject> sObjectsToUpdate = new List<SObject>();
        if(sObjectsToUpdate.size() > 0)
            for(SObjectType sorType: sorToUpdate.keySet())

        if(sObjectsToUpdate.size()>0) update sObjectsToUpdate;

2 Answers 2


You need to cast the return value.

Contact conToUpdate = (Contact)sObjectUpdater.getSObject(con.Id);

More generally, you cannot directly assign a value typed at compile time as a superclass (like sObject) to a variable typed as a subclass (Contact is a subclass of sObject). You can perform a cast to tell the compiler that the sObject instance you're getting back from getSObject() is actually a Contact; if at runtime this is not the case (i.e., you get back an Account or something else that isn't a Contact), you will receive an exception.

You might find the implementation of the Unit of Work pattern in fflib interesting as you're building this type of generic/abstracted DML code.

  • Thank you for the insight on this. I am beginning to learn generic/abstracted coding patterns. Let me know if you have any resources that you can point me to that you found helpful when you were beginning to learn these topics. Commented Apr 28, 2019 at 19:57
  • @MatthewMetros That's a good question, and I don't have a great answer for you. Reading good code from major Salesforce open source projects is certainly one route.
    – David Reed
    Commented Apr 28, 2019 at 20:09

You need to cast the result

Contact conToUpdate = (Contact) sObjectUpdater.getSObject(con.Id);

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