I'm working on showing a component if he is not admin, nor from France, Suisse or Canada :
v.userProfile --> true for admins, false otherwise.
Even for Swiss users, the component was displayed.
I worked hard on trying to understand why my condition wasn't working for them ;
Then I interverted my second condition from
and then BINGO !
I knew programatics behaviors about evaluating (a && b) : if the first (here a) is false, the evaluation stops ;
But here how does it work ?? How can I do, then, with my multiple conditions ? (I think I should use the isVisible CreateCre's attribute, but I wasn't able to plainly understand how it works and I got deadlines ...)
I thought that in the first case, connected as a regular user (so v.userProfile evaluates to false and !v.userProfile to true), it would evaluates as it :
If I'm a french user, not admin, it evaluates to : or (false, or (true and false)) --> so false ; If I'm a Suiss user, not admin, it evaluates to : or (false, or(true and [true and true and false])) --> so false ...
I'm unable to understand how this work, any help would be appreciate, I couldn't find a lot of documentation !