I am having an application in which I have added one Tab in it also it has a default Home Tab.

Now I need to open up another visualforce page on a button click.

I have used PageReference here :

    public PageReference GoToMasterPage(){
        PageReference pr = new PageReference('/apex/MySecondPage');
        return pr;

whenever it gets executed it opens up correct VF page but, the focus always shifts to Home Tab which was present by default.

I do not want the focus to shift to the Home tab or any other tab. I it need to focus on the currently selected tab itself.

How can I achieve this?

1 Answer 1


If the new tab which you created is a visual-force tab than add tabStyle attribute in page tag in your MySecondPage page. So the page code would be like :

<apex: page tabStyle="TabName__tab">
   <!---page code-->

If the tab related to custom object then:

<apex:page tabstyle="CustomObject__c">
  <!---page code-->

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