The focus stays on the first field on a page load,which is the one highlighted in the image "Who prompted you.."
But I would like to change the default focus ,whenever there is an error(system or a validation)
For example:
When there is an error on page save,like as below, the focus should shift to the error field,like in this case Business name.
The field I am referring is "existingbusiness" which is a lookup field. When user types in a text and presses enter,the lookup field errors out as it finds a multiple match.This is achieved by the actionfunction which calls a donotSubmit function. The objective is to change the focus to this error field and shift the the default focus from the first field on the form.
VF page:
<apex:page extensions="PNTReferralInfoController" standardController="Referral__c" tabStyle="Account" title="PNT Referral Information" id="thePage" >
<script type='text/javascript'>
function setFocusOnLoad()
<script type='text/javascript'>
function noenter(ev) {
if (window.event && window.event.keyCode == 13 || ev.which == 13) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
<apex:form id="theForm">
<apex:pageBlock title="Referral Information" id="block" mode="edit">
<apex:pageMessages id="errorMessages"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" collapsible="false" id="sec">
<apex:pageblock id="ExistingBusinessAccountInformation" mode="mainDetail" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" collapsible="false" rendered="{!showexistingbusinessdetails}">
<h1>Option 1: Select EXISTING Business</h1>
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<apex:outputLabel value="Business Name" for="existingBusiness" />
<apex:actionRegion >
<apex:inputField value="{!referral.Referrer_Organisation__c}" required="false" id="existingBusiness" onkeypress="return noenter(event)" >
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!existingBusiness}" reRender="Newbusiness,message2" />
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom" >
<apex:actionFunction name="donotSubmit" action="{!donotSubmit}" immediate="true"/>
<apex:commandButton id="previous" value="Previous" action="{!back}" immediate="true" />
<apex:commandButton id="savepage" value="Save" action="{!saveReferralInformation}" />
<apex:commandButton id="resetBtn" value="Cancel/Start Again" immediate="true" action="{!reset}"/>
Apex controller:
public class PNTReferralInfoController {
public ApexPages.StandardController standardController {get;set;}
public Referral__c referral {get;set;}
public String personId {get;set;}
public String contactId {get;set;}
public Account person {get;set;}
public Account client {get;set;}
public PNTReferralInfoController( ApexPages.StandardController controller){
standardController = controller;
referral = (Referral__c)standardController.getRecord();
personId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('personId');
person = this.getPerson(personId);
if(person != null){referral.Client__c = person.Id;}
client = [SELECT id,Lead_Source__pc,Eye_Condition__pc,Reason_for_contact__pc,Other_Vision_Condition_Information__pc from Account where id=:personId];
referrer = new Account();
contactRecordtype = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE SobjectType = 'Account' AND DeveloperName = 'Contact' limit 1];
referrer.RecordTypeId = contactRecordtype.Id;
tempContact = new Contact();
newBusiness = new Account();
newBusinessAccount = new Account();
newRelationship = new Relationship__c();
linkBusinessAccounttoReferrer = new AccountContactRelation();
removelinkedbusinessdetails = true;
showexistingbusinessdetails = false;
shownewbusinessdetails = false;
bid = false;
matchText = NULL;
Search_results = 1;
Search_results_ba_multi =-1;
Search_results_ba_blank =-1;
public PageReference saveReferralInformation(){
person.Reason_for_contact__pc = client.Reason_for_contact__pc;
person.Last_PNT_Run_Date__pc =;
upsert person;
catch(DmlException ex){ApexPages.addMessages(ex);}
return new PageReference('/'+ person.Id);
public PageReference reset(){
person = null;
PageReference pageRef = Page.PNT_Client;
return pageRef;
public PageReference back(){
PageReference pageref = new PageReference('/apex/pnt_client?id='+ personId);
return pageref;
public PageReference donotSubmit()
showexistingbusinessdetails = true;
return null;