I am trying to open a flow with preloaded data. In order to do that, I use the OpenCTI searchAndScreenPop with flowargs parameter as follows:
searchParams: '123465',
queryParams: '',
params: {
flowArgs: [
'name': 'phone',
'type': 'number',
'value': 123456
callType: 'inbound',
callback: function (response) {
The flow only contains a Screen element configured as Start with one phone field.
The callback is triggered with {"success":true,"returnValue":{},"errors":null}
In the documentation I can see "Specifies arguments to pass to a flow. flowArgs is a list of objects with key-value pairs containing information about the arguments being passed to the flow. Arguments must correspond to input variables of the specified name and type defined in the flow, else they are ignored."
So, my question is: has anyone achieved opening a flow with searchAndScreenPop passing flowArgs? Am I doing something wrong?