We all know that if you hit a Governor Limit Exception, your code/application will terminate with an unhandleable exception know as a Governor Limit Exception.

My question is does your code terminated at the point at which the limit is exceeded? If so, even if you have a finally block, it will not get run since your code has terminated?

  • Yes, code terminated at the point at which the limit is exceeded and finally block will not be executed. Commented Aug 16, 2018 at 10:45
  • Possible duplicate of How to handle system limit exception
    – Jarvis
    Commented Aug 16, 2018 at 10:51
  • 3
    The proposed duplicate does not answer this question.
    – David Reed
    Commented Aug 16, 2018 at 11:59

2 Answers 2


When you hit a LimitException, it terminates the entire transaction. No other Apex code you have written will run within the same transaction, because it is over.


@M guy I Have gone through your doubt and found this:-

I have a class as follows;-

public class testGoverner {
Public static void insertcontact(){
        for(Integer i=0;i<1500;i++){
            Contact c = new Contact();
            insert c;
    }catch(DmlException e){
        system.debug('Hit the governer limit');

} When I run this class using execute annonymous window, I got error System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101

So, I tried calling this in another class as follows:-

public class TestClas {
public static void test(){
        system.debug('hit governer');


And again run it, so again I got the same error System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101

So in both the cases, it gets terminated without going to finally block and no debugs log got generated.

then I tried calling this class with Visualforce page and execute it on click of button as follows:-

<apex:page controller="testGoverner">
        <apex:commandButton action="{!insertcontact}" value="check"/>

And Got this:- Too many DML statements: 151 Error is in expression '{!insertcontact}' in component in page testgovern: Class.testGoverner.insertcontact: line 7, column 1

This time debug log get generated but finally statement does not get executed. Note:- even catch block does not get executed.

So I can say you are correct that your code terminated at the point at which the limit is exceeded. Even if you have a finally block, it will not get run since your code has terminated.

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