I'm from the functional side and this is my first time to write the trigger and test class
Here is the requirement that I got 'Once user tag me or manager in Chatter Feed --> Create Case with getting the information of where chatter feed has been posted'
I separated into 2 triggers 1.Create_CaseComment_From_Chatter
trigger Create_CaseComment_From_Chatter on FeedComment (before insert) {
List<Chatter_Case_Reply__c> lstCase = new List<Chatter_Case_Reply__c>(); //Creating a list to save the comments section in the related list
Set<Id> feedItemsId = new Set<Id>();
// Get ParentId from feeditem and create a map of feed items
for (FeedComment f: Trigger.new)
Map<Id,FeedItem> fitems = new Map<Id,FeedItem>([Select id, Parentid from feedItem where id in :feedItemsId]);
for (FeedComment f: Trigger.new)
if(String.valueof(f.CommentBody) != '')
Chatter_Case_Reply__c newCase = new Chatter_Case_Reply__c();
newCase.Comments__c = f.CommentBody;
Id parId = fitems.get(f.feedItemId).ParentId;
SObjectType sobType = parId.getSObjectType();
if (sobType == Case.SObjectType) {
newCase.Case__c = parId;
insert lstCase;
2.ReplaceCharANDIsAssign <-- using for replacing some char to make it easier to read the case record
trigger ReplaceCharANDIsAssign on Case (before insert,before update) {
for(Case c : Trigger.new){
c.Description = c.Description.replaceAll('\\<.*?\\>', ' ');
c.Description = c.Description.replaceAll(' ', ' ');
c.Desc__c = c.Desc__c.replaceAll('\\<.*?\\>', ' ');
c.Desc__c = c.Desc__c.replaceAll(' ', ' ');
c.Description = c.Description.replaceAll('@Bundit Phetplay', '');
c.Description = c.Description.replaceAll('@Wuttisak Thabthimsaen', '');
c.Description = c.Description.replaceAll('@Thabthimsaen Wuttisak', '');
c.Description = c.Description.replaceAll('@Phetplay Bundit', '');
//c.Description = c.Description.replaceAll('#caseoth', '');
//c.Description = c.Description.replaceAll('#CASEOTH', '');
//c.Description = c.Description.replaceAll('#caseOTH', '');
//c.Description = c.Description.replaceAll('#CaseOth', '');
//c.Description = c.Description.replaceAll('#CaseOTH', '');
c.Is_assigned_to_Wuttisak__c = TRUE;
c.Is_assigned_to_Bundit__c = TRUE;
My problem is I have no Idea how to write a test class for trigger '1.Create_CaseComment_From_Chatter' I only have 1 test class as the following
private class testCreateCase {
static testMethod void mytestCreateCase() {
FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
post.ParentId = '0011000000oeLcH';
post.Body = '@Wuttisak Thabthimsaen @Bundit I need your help';
insert post;
which coverage 100% on 2.ReplaceCharANDIsAssign trigger but 0% for the 1st trigger
If anyone has some advice or revise my test class would be appreciated!
Thank you