I'm developping a custom activity in NodeJS and I would like to know how can I get the name of the Data Extension I'm working with to put the name here :
payload['arguments'].execute.inArguments = [{
'campaignNameKey': campaignNameKey,
'csvName': csvName,
"Prenom": "{{Contact.Attribute.DE_NAME.Prenom}}",
"Nom": "{{Contact.Attribute.DE_NAME.Nom}}",
"Mobile": "{{Contact.Attribute.Contacts.Mobile}}",
"Campagne": "{{Contact.Attribute.Contacts.Campagne}}",
"stopSMS": "{{Contact.Attribute.Contacts.stopSMS}}"
For the moment, I'm using the name of my test Data Extension ("Contacts") but I would like to be able to use this payload on any Data Extension. Thanks !
EDIT : my customActivity.js
define(function (require) {
var Postmonger = require('postmonger');
var connection = new Postmonger.Session();
var payload = {};
var steps = [
{'key': 'eventdefinitionkey', 'label': 'Event Definition Key'}
//HERE it works
var currentStep = steps[0].key;
var deName;
$(window).ready(function () {
function initialize(data) {
if (data) {
payload = data;
function onClickedNext() { //SAVE USED HERE
if (currentStep.key === 'eventdefinitionkey') {
} else {
function onClickedBack () {
function onGotoStep (step) {
function showStep (step, stepIndex) {
if (stepIndex && !step) {
step = steps[stepIndex - 1];
currentStep = step;
switch (currentStep.key) {
case 'eventdefinitionkey':
$('#step1 input').focus();
function save() { //SAVE FUNCTION
connection.trigger('requestSchema'); //NOT SHOWN IN CONSOLE
let campaignNameKey = $('#select-campaign-name').val();
let csvName = $('#select-csv-name').val();
console.log("DE NAME " + deName);
payload['arguments'] = payload['arguments'] || {};
payload['arguments'].execute = payload['arguments'].execute || {};
payload['arguments'].execute.inArguments = [{
'campaignNameKey': campaignNameKey,
'csvName': csvName,
"Prenom": "{{Contact.Attribute."+ deName +".[\"Prénom\"]}}",
"Nom": "{{Contact.Attribute." + deName +".Nom}}",
"Mobile": "{{Contact.Attribute." + deName +".Mobile}}",
"Campagne": "{{Contact.Attribute." + deName +".Campagne}}",
"stopSMS": "{{Contact.Attribute." + deName +".stopSMS}}"
payload['metaData'] = payload['metaData'] || {};
payload['metaData'].isConfigured = true;
connection.trigger('updateActivity', payload);
connection.on('requestedSchema', function (data) { //CONNECTION ON
// save schema
console.log('*** Schema ***', JSON.stringify(data['schema']));
let schema = JSON.stringify(data['schema']);
connection.on('initActivity', initialize);
connection.on('clickedNext', onClickedNext);
connection.on('clickedBack', onClickedBack);
connection.on('gotoStep', onGotoStep);