I have noticed an issue with lightning checkboxes in Summer 18. When the user manually changes a checkbox, the v.value and v.checked attributes of the component are set to an empty string, instead of false/true. the following code demos this behaviour. This code works fine in Spring 18.
<aura:component >
<aura:attribute type="Boolean" name="booleanTest" />
<lightning:input aura:id="checkboxTest" type="checkbox" label="test" checked="{!v.booleanTest}" value="{!v.booleanTest}"/>
<lightning:button onclick="{!c.setTrue}" label="Set True"/>
<lightning:button onclick="{!c.showValue}" label="Show Value"/>
setTrue : function(component, event, helper) {
component.set('v.booleanTest', true);
showValue : function(component, event, helper) {
alert(component.find('checkboxTest').get('v.value') + ' :: ' + component.find('checkboxTest').get('v.checked'));
- If the user clicks show value, it displays undefined :: undefined
- If the user sets the checkbox and then clicks show value, it displays ::
- If the user clicks set True and then clicks show value, it displays true :: true
Has any else seen this issue? Are there any mistakes in my test?
P.S My test was done using lightning out
$Lightning.use("c:bootstrapApp", function() {
$Lightning.createComponent("c:ret", {
}, "container", function(cmp) { });