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Questions tagged [checkbox]

Checkboxes are clickable and actionable component in VisualForce

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How can I add functionality to a "Select All" Checkbox for a checkbox group on a Screen Flow?

I would like to checkbox group to have all values selected if the Select All checkbox is checked (and vice versa). Is this possible to make? I have tried making the default value of the checkbox group ...
SlayerSevak's user avatar
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Checkbox Label in a LWC with hyperlink

I am building a LWC component that should be used on a website via Lightning Out. I need a checkbox with a hyperlink in the label similar to this one: I tried to use the lightning-input with a hidden ...
Andreas Epping's user avatar
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Maintaining a flagged checkbox in a component

I have a component that contains a list of associated selection lists, consisting of 1 level, 2 level, 3 level. The second and third levels have a list of checkboxes, which the user can flag. This ...
FRANCI's user avatar
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Set a custom checkbox field to TRUE based on another checkbox field value and a text field value

I need to set a custom checkbox field to be TRUE based on the values of two other custom fields. The new checkbox field is named 'Is_International_Student__c'. The existing fields are a checkbox ...
Andrew Jaffee's user avatar
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Formula Field, Checkbox Based on Income & Rent Cost

Forgive if this is a silly question, but I've been staring at this formula field for hours and I can't seem to figure out where I'm going wrong. I'm trying to create this formula field checkbox based ...
Josie's user avatar
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Salesforce apex how to save checkbox multiple values in database

I am trying to save the values from checkbox group in apex. I have converted the values from comma delemited to a list of strings. How can I save the values into the picklist type field. I have ...
Hasan Zubairi's user avatar
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Setting checkbox fields via trigger

I'm in the process of learning Apex triggers, and I've been attempting to write code that runs before updating a field. The code should change the Primary Contact field to FALSE if the checkbox field ...
Smick's user avatar
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disable (or grey out) all line items except what is checked

Is there a way to disable or grey out all the line items in a related list view except the one checked? Currently Im using console view and simply displaying related record lists, I did not know if ...
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I have a checkbox toggle in my child component, in which I am sending my parameter from parent component. But it's unable to read in HTML

Variable value which I am sending from parent component is getting it's value in child component but it's not getting read in HTML. As, in HTML I'm reading it via for each loop because I am having 3 ...
SF Learner's user avatar
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Recordeditform - Checkbox Issues

I've an Aura component where recordeditform is used to create contact record. I added a checkbox field to the recordeditform but it doesn't save to created records. <lightning:recordEditForm aura:...
Anurag's user avatar
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How to set default value in a checkbox field upon creation if that same checkbox in all records is set to false?

I have a custom object in my org. I also have a checkbox labeled as Active. I need the checkbox to have a default value when I create a new record only if: The Active checkbox are false in all ...
ratRiot30's user avatar
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Any way to have clickable labels of Checkbox elements in Flow Screens?

An input of Checkbox type can be added to a Flow Screen: but the output when the Flow is run will only accept clicks on the checkbox and not on the label. That is inconsistent with e.g. checkbox ...
Keith C's user avatar
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Salesforce Opportunities Object - Validation Rules - Make checkboxes mandatory to progress stage

This is my first time posting on the stack exchange so apologies if any key information is missing from my question. I am trying to create a validation rule to make certain checkbox fields in the ...
Ross S's user avatar
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How to write a Formula to have a checkbox checked by default and if the case is reopened, uncheck the box to track First Contact Resolution?

For example, if a customer comes in and a case is created, the FCR (First Contact Resolution) Checkbox is already checked by default, then if the Case has a status of Resolved and it changes, meaning ...
TStorm's user avatar
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Best Practices For "Nullable" Checkboxes

I'm managing an org where a bunch of new checkbox fields are going to be added - they are optional and it is important to know if the checkbox was actively being checked or not checked by the user. So,...
Semmel's user avatar
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Check box Field

I am trying to create a checkbox field as checked if another field has value and Uncheck it if another field does not have any value For eg: if DDS field has number I need the check box to ticked. If ...
Aswin Gunasekaran's user avatar
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Require one of two checkboxes = True, based on Record Type

Require one of two checkboxes = True, based on Record Type We have two checkboxes "Serviced" or "Not Serviced", in which one will be require to be 'true' in order to save AND Only ...
B Leahy's user avatar
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Convert check box result to yes, no in email template

I'm trying to use a conditional statement in a salesforce email text template, field is a check box and i want the output in the email template to be yes or no. I'm using the below but it is not ...
Marie's user avatar
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Updating Checkbox Field Based on Formula Field

I have 2 Custom and 1 Standard Object: Subscription_c, Term_c, Account Subscription_c has a lookup relationship with Term_c, called Subterm__c Subscription_c has also a lookup relationship with ...
Emin Huseynov's user avatar
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Number formula that will calculate days of purchase only if the checkbox returns a true value

Hello I've been trying to create a formula that will calculate days since purchase date only when the checkbox approved is checked as true. I've tried the following in a number formula. IF( ...
rayala69's user avatar
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Formula checkbox does not check when user views record

I created a checkbox formula that checks when ownerid=managerid. As an admin, the checkbox formula field works and updates but when I log in as different user (manager profile) the checkbox is ...
123here's user avatar
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Checkbox formula not working

I am trying to select a checkbox if, "Connected" is in the disposition and the call sentiment field does not have "Gatekeeper". My formula isn't working: IF( AND( CONTAINS(...
user123970's user avatar
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validation rule for 2 checkbox

I need Validation Rule for 2 checkboxes. When Checkbox1 = true you can not edit Checkbox2. But I need to have option set True on both checkboxes at one time.
Grim's user avatar
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Formula field - Trying to show a flag if checkbox = true

I am trying to create a formula to show a red flag if a checkbox field is set to True This is the current formula (IF("Response Timer Failed" = TRUE, IMAGE("/img/samples/color_red.gif&...
asidrey's user avatar
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Get status (checked or not) of multiple checkbox per row and their ids

by clicking on Save, I would like to get all checkbox data per row with something like this to insert all data into "rowList" (does not work) [...this.template.querySelectorAll('....
Vneq's user avatar
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A formula text field to see if candidate has been approved [duplicate]

I have a checkbox field named "Approval" that is checked and not checked when creating a candidate record to see if they have been approved. What I'm trying to do is create a formula text ...
Matt E's user avatar
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LWC - Check checkbox won't work

Simple question. This won't work - It won't check my checkbox. Any solutions? html. <template> <lightning-input type="checkbox" data-id="none" label="None of the ...
Ian Lee's user avatar
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lightning-input checkbox - getting checked rows when submitted

When submit button is clicked, how do I know which rows have been checked? .html <template for:each={} for:item="product"> <a href=&...
mackmama's user avatar
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LWC - Checkbox keeping data with Previous/Next

I'm trying to store these data until I get the other cards back. So when I press the Previous button and comeback to the checkbox that I made, it will move the value by unchecking the box. However, I ...
Ian Lee's user avatar
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lightning-input checkbox margin-right

I have a custom table in LWC and standard margin of <lightning-input type="checkbox" variant="label-hidden" breaks cell center alignment. I ...
Karel L's user avatar
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Checkbox field should be visible to all profiles only if it is checked by the system admin can we do that?

I have this checkbox which is visible to everyone right now , I want that field to be visible only when System admin checks the box. Can I do that ? but The other profiles are editing that page then ...
Priya 's user avatar
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How to deselect a checkbox field with a trigger?

can someone help me out? I have a checkbox field and when the user inserts a file this field is 'true' through a trigger, how can I make it 'false' if the user deletes the files? I really appreciate ...
Souza's user avatar
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How to maintain state of selected records after search in Lightning datatable

I'm not able to maintain the checkbox state, when lightning:datatable records change after searching records in the datatable. I have a searchbar above the Lightning datatable and records with ...
satishW's user avatar
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LWC - Checkbox json data response help

So, these are the checkbox that I'm testing. What I have - A function that are associated with uncheck/readonly, and some of my json catch response try. What I need to do - I need to catch the json ...
Ian Lee's user avatar
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LWC - Checkbox read-only, reset

I'm pretty new to this LWC environment and trying to change jQuery to the LWC friendly. So this is about the checkbox where you can select all the options, but when you click on the "None of the ...
Ian Lee's user avatar
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Adding background color in apex:inputCheckbox

I am trying to change the default background color in the checkbox. I can't able to figure out what CSS I should use. I am trying the below code but it is not working. <apex:page standardController=...
rupal singh's user avatar
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Cannot add a contact related to account without Direct checkbox

I want to add a contact, related to an account, as the contact of an opportunity, but I can only select the related contacts that have the checkbox “Direct” active. This checkbox I cannot see, edit or ...
user88574's user avatar
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Web to lead True/False Considerations?

Are there any special considerations when submitting data for a Checkbox field through Web to lead endpoint? When I submit a lead with checkbox value True, it accepts the lead. When I submit a lead ...
PaulyP's user avatar
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Add custom checkbox to flow edit screen

I am editing flow screen and want to add some components, but i want to add checkbox that will show or remove comonent ( its like show header and show footer). Is there any way to do it?
Tipsiduspi's user avatar
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I need to update a checkbox as True if there is at least 1 chatter post on a custom object (sent by sys admin profile.)

I need to track that my team is acknowledging support requests, by posting a chatter post to the requestor. I have a checkbox on our custom object, which I'd like a process builder to flag as True ...
RM Coleman's user avatar
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Creating a Checkbox Formula Field based on Two other Field Values

What I am trying to do is have the Checkbox value be marked True if 'Email' is blank OR if 'HasOptedOutofEmail' (A Checkbox Field) is marked True (Checked). If Email is populated or Opted Out is not ...
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How do I get the label from a selected checkbox? [duplicate]

It's a lightning web component. event.detail.label doesn't work and event.detail.value only gives me the value. Can someone help please?
lipton98's user avatar
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Select every list elements using field checkbox, not only - on example 50

Does Salesforce make it possible to select every records in table using field checkbox for list? Becouse when we select this checkbox, scroll down and new elements appears, they will be unchecked. Is ...
Digir's user avatar
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How to do trigger for text rich when checkbox is true?

What I'm trying to do is that when a checkbox is true, my rich-text area is required to have image but when I run this code, it still can proceed even no image in that rich-text area. Kindly help me ...
aidafarahanie's user avatar
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Formula Field Checkbox issue

I have created checkbox formula field. Condition is if record's owner profile is not equal to some value it should mark it as true. There are 3 profiles for which we need to check the particular value....
Harsh Shukla's user avatar
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Problem using formula

I want to create a formula checkbox that indicates if the Month of Date_Offered__c is equal to the current month. For ex :- If Date_Offered__c = 5 May 2021 Then checkbox will be checked And if ...
Unknown's user avatar
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Dynamic component

I have a configuration in which I dynamically create a checkbox component. The checkbox works. I now want to perform an action when the checkbox changes. I have the following code. My onCheck ...
Michele Kleinhomer's user avatar
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Error when I want to display list of account when checkbox is checked

ShowAcct.cls public with sharing class ShowAcct { @AuraEnabled(Cacheable=true) public static List<Account> getAccountList() { return [SELECT id,name,AnnualRevenue from Account]; ...
Shivani Tanwar's user avatar
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How to add a radio button in lwc datatable?

I am trying to add a radio button at the end of a datatable row, so basically I need two selection option, one is the checkbox given by default which is shown at the very front of each row, and a ...
adnan_aust's user avatar
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Checkbox on Opportunity to check and uncheck account of similar field

Let me try this again. NDA Signed is a checkbox that I have on Account and Opportunity. When I check or uncheck this box on either object I need it to update the opposite object. example 1: I have NDA ...
Rhyan Brandt's user avatar