I have created the REST Resource to fetch the data from Salesforce. My Domain is also activated in our Org.

When I fetch the data using https://myDomain.my.salesforce.com/.../... it is returning me data but when I try with https://test.salesforce.com/.../... it is giving me below error

[ { "errorCode": "URL_NOT_RESET", "message": "Destination URL not reset. The URL returned from login must be set" } ]

Let me know your thoughts on this


1 Answer 1


test.salesforce.com or login.salesforce.com can be used to first login. Thereafter requests should be made using the instance_url and the access_token that you receive as a response on first login.

So, in your case you can used your Custom Domain but not the login URL.

  • Yes using instance_url which I got in response, I am successfully able to access the data, but is it possible that we can have both? I mean to say using test.salesforce.com also can access it?
    – Nirav Shah
    Commented May 14, 2018 at 7:03
  • In short, NO!
    – Thamilhan
    Commented May 14, 2018 at 7:04

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