Sorry guys. I am really struggling with how to return the options from my server controller in a way that can be used.
How do I set the label:value pair in javascript? I am getting results into the attribute, but lightning:select is not able to read the data. I assume that is because it cannot make sense of the label:value pair since I am passing an object?
If anyone could even just point me to a good example of how to do this I would be appreciative. I was not able to find a good example on my own. Here is what I have so far:
<!-- list to hld the IP record types to be used if a record is created -->
<aura:attribute name="ipRecordTypes" type="Object" access="public"/>
<aura:attribute Name="selRecType" type="object" access="public" />
<lightning:select aura:id="selectRecType" name="selectRecType" label="Record Type" required="true" value="{!v.selectIPRecordType}" messageWhenValueMissing="You must define the record type of the new IP">
<aura:iteration items="{!v.ipRecordTypes}" var="item">
<option text="{!item.label}" selected="{item.selected}"/>
getRecordTypes : function(component){//------------------------------------------------------
console.log('getRecordTypes helper starting...');
//calls InventionResearcherController.getInventionContacts
var action = component.get('c.getRecordTypes');
// Set up the callback
action.setCallback(this, $A.getCallback(function (response) {
var state = response.getState();
var resultsToast = $A.get("e.force:showToast");
if(state === "SUCCESS"){
//if successful stores query results in ipRecordTypes
var recordTypes = response.getReturnValue();
console.log('getRecordTypes returned: ' +recordTypes);
component.set('v.ipRecordTypes', response.getReturnValue());
} else if (state === "ERROR") {
//otherwise write errors to console for debugging
alert('Problem with connection. Please try again. Error Code: relIPViewHelper.getIPList.action.setCallback');
"title": "Error",
"message": "Invention contacts failed to load due to: " + JSON.stringify(result.error)
var errors = response.getError();
Server side
public static List<RecordType> getRecordTypes() {
System.debug('getRecordTypes starting...');
return [SELECT id, name FROM RecordType WHERE SobjectType = 'IP__c'];
OK, thanks to the help of @KeithC I was able to get it to work. This is a very simple solution and I think posting the full answer will help other beginner devs like myself.
Here is the updated code:
<!-- list to hld the IP record types to be used if a record is created -->
<aura:attribute name="ipRecordTypes" type="List" access="public"/>
<aura:attribute Name="selRecType" type="String" access="public" />
<lightning:select aura:id="selectRecType" name="selectRecType" label="Record Type" required="true"
value="{!v.selRecType}" onchange="{!c.showRecType}"
messageWhenValueMissing="You must define the record type of the new IP">
<option value="">-- Please Select --</option>
<aura:iteration items="{!v.ipRecordTypes}" var="item">
<option text="{!item.label}" value="{!item.value}" selected="{item.selected}"/>
doInit : function(component, event, helper) {
//[other code]
//this block of code to get the IP Record types
showRecType : function(component, event, helper) {
console.log('The selected Record Type is: ' +component.get("v.selRecType"));
getRecordTypes : function(component){//------------------------------------------------------
console.log('getRecordTypes helper starting...');
//calls InventionResearcherController.getInventionContacts
var action = component.get('c.getRecordTypes');
// Set up the callback
action.setCallback(this, $A.getCallback(function (response) {
var state = response.getState();
var resultsToast = $A.get("e.force:showToast");
if(state === "SUCCESS"){
//if successful stores query results in ipRecordTypes
var recordTypes = response.getReturnValue();
console.log('getRecordTypes returned: ' +recordTypes);
component.set('v.ipRecordTypes', response.getReturnValue());
} else if (state === "ERROR") {
//otherwise write errors to console for debugging
alert('Problem with connection. Please try again. Error Code: relIPViewHelper.getIPList.action.setCallback');
"title": "Error",
"message": "Invention contacts failed to load due to: " + JSON.stringify(result.error)
var errors = response.getError();
Server side Controller
public static List<Map<String, String>> getRecordTypes() {
System.debug('getRecordTypes starting...');
List<Map<String, String>> items = new List<Map<String, String>>();
for (RecordType rt : [SELECT id, name FROM RecordType WHERE SobjectType = 'IP__c']) {
items.add(new Map<String, String>{'value' => rt.Id, 'label' => rt.Name});
return items;