One way to return an array of objects where the object fields have the keys of "value" and "label" as required by your component is:
public static List<Map<String, String>> getRecordTypes() {
System.debug('getRecordTypes starting...');
List<Map<String, String>> items = new List<Map<String, String>>();
for (RecordType rt : [
SELECT id, name
FROM RecordType
WHERE SobjectType = 'IP__c'
]) {
items.add(new Map<String, String>{'value' => rt.Id, 'label' => rt.Name});
return items;
Or if you are doing a lot of this, you can create your own class as described in Why is SelectOption not supported by JSON class?.
This markup to match this is:
<option text="{!item.label}" value="{!item.value}"/>