I cannot figure out why the following code (which is within a Test Data Factory class) would cause this error when validating in Production for deploy:
Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void contains(String) from the type List
The class compiles just fine in the Sandbox, and all tests referencing it pass. Here's the code:
private static String setSomeValues(sObject sobj, Map<String,String> myMap) {
List<String> stringsToExclude = new List<String>{'String1','String2','String3'};
//The following line is indicated by the compile error
if(stringsToExclude.contains(sobj.field_X)) {
sobj.field_Y = myMap.values()[0];
else {
sobj.field_Y = map.get(sobj.field_Z);
return sobj.field_Y;
For the sake of testing, I also tried storing the List.contains() result to a Boolean variable in a previous line, then doing if(booleanVar)...but the same error occurred, this time indicating the Boolean variable declaration line.
Edit: Looking at Salesforce's List Class documentation, the contains(listElement) method gives the following explicit example:
List<String> myStrings = new List<String>{'a', 'b'};
Boolean result = myStrings.contains('z');
System.assertEquals(false, result);
So...it would appear their documentation is just incorrect since executing that anonymously produces the same error.