i wrote two validation rules for the same visualforce page.i have four fields in my page Max_Quantity__c, Asked_Quantity_Number__c, BatchQuantity_Number_c,unitprice_c
first validation rule on unit price:
and the error message is
"unit price should be grater than zero"
second validation rule on remaining three fields:
($Profile.Name = "France User"),
Max_Quantity__c < Asked_Quantity_Number__c,
Asked_Quantity_Number__c < BatchQuantity_Number__c
and the error message is
"you should follow this rule Batch Quantity <=Asked Quantity <= Max Quantity "
The problem is when the first validation is failed it is showing error in the visual force page .it is showing error and it is corrected it is saving the record but with the second validation is failed it is "not showing the error" and "it is not saving the record" .
can somebody tell me why it is not showing the second validation rule error .... user do not why it is not saving the record without saving the record .i need that for the second validation rule also it has to show the error...