note : this is a follow up to this question
I'm following the approach on this post, and have created a class to use to deserialize a json string as I know the structure of the response.
I am able to deserialize the json to a map<string,decimal>
but I receive an error if I try to deserialize to a list of an inner class that consists of a string and a decimal:
public class CurrentRate {
string IsoCode;
decimal value;
here is the structure of my JSON class, with the portion that doesnt work commented out:
public class myJSONClass{
public string disclaimer;
public string license;
public string timestamp;
public string base;
// public currentRate[] rates;
public map<string,decimal> rates = new map<string,decimal>();
The JSON being parsed is structured as follows
"disclaimer": "Usage subject to terms:",
"license": "",
"timestamp": 1506733203,
"base": "USD",
"rates": {
"AED": 3.672611,
"AFN": 68.671,
"ALL": 113.870562,
"AMD": 478.245,
"ANG": 1.779798
The deserialization is happening here:
string responseText = res.getBody();
myJSONClass obj = (myJSONClass)JSON.deserialize(responseText, myJSONClass.class);
And the error is:
System.JSONException: Expected List but found { at [line:5, column:16]
And here is the full code in case its helpful. I can work with the map, but it seems like I should be able to deserialize to a list and I want to know what I am doing wrong.
public class CurrencyUpdater {
public class CurrentRate {
string IsoCode;
decimal value;
public class myJSONClass {
public string disclaimer;
public string license;
public string timestamp;
public string base;
// does not work public currentRate[] rates;
public map<string,decimal> rates = new map<string,decimal>();
public list<CurrentRate> callEndpoint() {
list<currentRate> OERRates = new list<currentRate>();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
Http http = new Http();
try {
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
string responseText = res.getBody();
system.debug('responseText = ' + responseText);
myJSONClass obj = (myJSONClass)JSON.deserialize(responseText, myJSONClass.class);
} catch(System.CalloutException e) {
return OERRates;