I have a JSON response coming from an HTTP callout that contains an array of columns and an array of array of records where those records have a value that needs to map to the column.
Example data from HTTP Callout:
"columns": [
"id": "{913ec09f-86f2-4ee3-be31-212349ccb9d6}",
"updated": "2022-06-09T00:08:26.7610698Z",
"entries": [
"indexvalues": [
"ID": 84,
"PageCount": 1
I want to deserialize this to a structure where the column name maps to the value.
Currently, I have the following deserialize based on a quick JSON2APEX:
AppxResponse data = (AppxResponse) System.JSON.deserialize(jsonResponse, AppxResponse.class);
public class AppxResponse {
public List<String> columns;
public List<ResponseEntries> entries;
public class ResponseEntries {
public List<String> indexvalues;
public Integer ID;
public Integer PageCount;
What I am now trying to do is create a structure that looks like the following:
My attempt was to make a class for the structure of the entry that contains all of the column names I am working with. I called this Document
public class Document {
public String DOCUMENT_LINK;
public String PAGE_COUNT;
public String ID;
public String SALESFORCE_ID;
public String DLN;
public String TIME_INDEXED;
public String DATE_INDEXED;
public String SOURCE;
public String DOCTYPE;
public String EMPLID;
public String FIRST_NAME;
public String LAST_NAME;
public String AID_YEAR;
I came up with this attempt to try and map the indexvalues
to the column based on the index location. The issue I am running into is trying to add the mappedData
to the response
, which I was hoping to get a List<Document>
private static List<ApplicationXtenderService.Document> createMapForHttpResponse(String jsonResponse) {
List<ApplicationXtenderService.Document> response = new List<ApplicationXtenderService.Document>();
AppxResponse data = (AppxResponse) System.JSON.deserialize(jsonResponse, AppxResponse.class);
List<String> cols = data.columns;
// For each entry
for (ApplicationXtenderService.ResponseEntries entry : data.entries) {
Integer i = 0;
// Map value to column
Map<String, String> mappedData = new Map<String, String>();
for (String iv : entry.indexvalues) {
mappedData.put(cols[i], iv);
// Add additional fields
mappedData.put('ID', String.valueOf(entry.ID));
mappedData.put('PAGE_COUNT', String.valueOf(entry.PageCount));
mappedData.put('DOCUMENT_LINK', DOCUMENT_URL + '/' + entry.ID);
return response;
I feel like I am seriously over complicating this and looking for some guidance. Currently running into the error of Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void add(Map<String,String>) from the type List<ApplicationXtenderService.Document>