I know this is somewhat of a replicated post across the web, but nothing out there has answered my question.
I have an input field (picklist) containing Closed Won, Closed Lost, and Closed Lost - No Decision. Code is below:
<apex:inputField value="{!debrief.Stage__c}" >
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="toRerender"/>
That field is wrapped in a page block section. I have another page block below, which I want to rerender after selecting a value in the picklist. The rerender works if, when opening the vfp, the debrief.Stage__c is set to one of the options. Otherwise, the 'None block' is displayed, and the section seemingly never rerenders when changing the picklist. Code below:
<apex:pageBlock id="toRerender">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Details" >
<apex:outputPanel id="lossPanel" rendered="{!debrief.Stage__c != 'Closed Won' && debrief.Stage__c != ''}" >
loss block
<apex:outputPanel id="winPanel" rendered="{!debrief.Stage__c == 'Closed Won'}">
win block
<apex:outputPanel id="nonePanel" rendered="{!debrief.Stage__c == ''}" >
None block
Does anyone have any idea what the issue could be? I have tried wrapping in more output panels, etc.
right below the<apex:pageblock>
page without any conditions. If you see it changing when you change the pick list (if the pick list is bound to it) then you can tell it is re rendering and the issue is with your conditions