I know this is somewhat of a replicated post across the web, but nothing out there has answered my question.
I have an input field (picklist) containing Closed Won, Closed Lost, and Closed Lost - No Decision. Code is below:
<apex:inputField value="{!debrief.Stage__c}" >
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="toRerender"/>
That field is wrapped in a page block section. I have another page block below, which I want to rerender after selecting a value in the picklist. The rerender works if, when opening the vfp, the debrief.Stage__c is set to one of the options. Otherwise, the 'None block' is displayed, and the section seemingly never rerenders when changing the picklist. Code below:
<apex:pageBlock id="toRerender">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Details" >
<apex:outputPanel id="lossPanel" rendered="{!debrief.Stage__c != 'Closed Won' && debrief.Stage__c != ''}" >
loss block
<apex:outputPanel id="winPanel" rendered="{!debrief.Stage__c == 'Closed Won'}">
win block
<apex:outputPanel id="nonePanel" rendered="{!debrief.Stage__c == ''}" >
None block
Does anyone have any idea what the issue could be? I have tried wrapping in more output panels, etc.