I have 2 objects, Portfolio__c and batch__c. We can create batches against portfolio (i.e) batch__c has a lookup field to Portfolio__c. I have a VF page which was showing a list of portfolios and the latest batch created for that portfolio. The VF page uses a repeater which is bound to a list of Wrapper class. The logic I use for filling the wrapper list is shown below.
foreach portfolio
Wrapper wrp = new Wrapper();
wrp.CreatedDate = (Datetime)([select max(createddate) maxdate from Batch__c where Portfolio__r.Id != null and Portfolio__r.Id =: wrp.portfolioId][0].get('maxdate'));
lstBatch = [select Id,Name,Status__c, (SELECT Asset__r.Id FROM BatchItem__r) from Batch__c where Portfolio__r.Id =: wrp.portfolioId and CreatedDate =: wrp.CreatedDate ];
Is there a way available to get most recently created batch and its details in one soql query?