I'm having a difficult time finding what (I think) should be a relatively simple procedure. I would like to create a class controller that returns a SOQL query and then display the results in an apex datatable on a visualforce page. I would then like to display that visualforce page on a dashboard.
In my org I have Contacts and Opportunities related with contact roles. Opportunities have a custom child object that defines what program an opportunity belongs to. An opportunity can belong to multiple programs. This object is called 'targeting allocation'. I'm trying to display the [opportunity.account|contactrole.name|role|opportunity.principal_balance] in a datatable.
I know my SOQL query works:
[select opportunity.account.name, contact.name, role, opportunity.name, >>opportunity.current_principal_balance__c from opportunitycontactrole where opportunityid in (select allocation_opportunity__c from targeting_allocation__c where program_type__c = 'Green Initiative') and opportunity.current_principal_balance__c > 0 and isprimary = true]
I simply don't know how to put it into a class and then display. Its seemingly impossible to find good simple tutorials on classes and apex pages.
EDIT: Thank you crmprogdev and Jagular for your links. Through your links I found this page: What is wrapper class?? on success.salesforce.com.
I followed the example there and came up with this:
Wrapper Class
Apex Page
public class GreenInvestorWrapper {
public class TableRow {
public string AccountName {get; set;}
public string ContactName {get; set;}
public string ContactRole {get; set;}
public string oppName {get; set;}
public decimal oppValue {get; set;}
public list RowList {get; set;}
public GreenInvestorWrapper () {
RowList = new List();
TableRow tr;
For (OpportunityContactRole x:
[SELECT opportunity.account.name, contact.name, role, opportunity.name,opportunity.current_principal_balance__c FROM opportunitycontactrole WHERE opportunityid in (SELECT allocation_opportunity__c FROM targeting_allocation__c >WHERE program_type__c = 'Green Initiative') AND >opportunity.current_principal_balance__c > 0 AND isprimary = true])
tr = new TableRow();
tr.AccountName = x.opportunity.account.name;
tr.contactName = x.contact.name;
tr.contactRole = x.role;
tr.oppName = x.opportunity.name;
tr.oppValue = x.opportunity.current_principal_balance__c;
<apex:page controller="GreenInvestorWrapper">
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!RowList}" var="row">
<apex:column value="{!row.AccountName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!row.ContactName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!row.ContactRole}"/>
<apex:column value="{!row.oppName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!row.oppValue}"/>
Sorry for formatting!
My next goal is to make this a list that is filterable by program_type__c, which is a field on the targeting allocation.
Thank you for all the help!