I have created a Query which will query for subscribers from a certain list who have not received an email which its name contains "newsletter_"

This is working perfect

SELECT l.[EmailAddress], e.[First_name]
FROM _Job j with (nolock)
INNER JOIN _Sent s with (nolock)
ON j.JobID = s.JobID
INNER JOIN _ListSubscribers l with (nolock)
ON l.subscriberID = s.subscriberID
INNER JOIN _EnterpriseAttribute e with (nolock)
ON l.subscriberID = e._subscriberID
WHERE s.EventDate < GetDate()
AND e.Segment = 'Customer'
AND j.EmailName NOT LIKE 'newsletter_%'
AND l.ListID = 919445

the problem is, is this is not bringing back subscribers who have never received and email at all as they are not in the _sent / _job does anyone know how i am able to add subscribers to this query who have never received an email

Thank you in advance

  • You have set the condition to j.EmailAddress NOT LIKE 'newsletter_%'. Doesnt this exclude them?
    – 0xsegfault
    Commented May 25, 2017 at 10:21
  • j.EmailName NOT LIKE 'newsletter_%' does not exclude them nope, as it cant find the subscribers in _job or _sent
    – odd
    Commented May 25, 2017 at 11:36

1 Answer 1


Could you make a separate query using a NOT EXISTS clause and then merge the results?

SELECT l.[Email_Address], e.[First_name]
FROM _ListSubscribers
  FROM _Sent 
  WHERE _Sent.[Email_Address] = _ListSubscribers.[Email_Address]
  • ill give this ago and see if this works on its own
    – odd
    Commented May 25, 2017 at 11:09
  • 1
    the above working, thank you SELECT l.[EmailAddress], e.[First_name] FROM _ListSubscribers l with (nolock) INNER JOIN _EnterpriseAttribute e with (nolock) ON l.subscriberID = e._subscriberID WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM _Sent WHERE _Sent.[subscriberID] = l.[subscriberID])
    – odd
    Commented May 25, 2017 at 11:23
  • thank you now i just need to figure out how to combine the two
    – odd
    Commented May 25, 2017 at 11:36

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