I queried a the parent object and its Kid(Kid__C)
. Assigned it to a list of Parent object:
List<Parent__c> p = [SELECT id, name (SELECT id, name FROM kids__r order by CreatedDate DESC),
FROM Parent__c WHERE id IN: AlistWithParentId];
// After qurying the above list , I check which parent does not have children using p.kids__r.size();
and create a kid for them. After
I do this I want to add the kid's id to the p.kids__r
list of each element in List<Parent__c> p
. Basically I do not want to make another SOQL to fetch
the parent__c records from database instead use the already queried List<Parent__c>
p to get the kids.
I tried an approach where I created a Map with parent id and with list of ids of the kid but I am unable to add it to the p.kids__r
For(Parent pobj : p){
// loop through the Map and get the list of
// RMA orders and add it to pobj.kids__r.add();
system.debug(ponj.kids__r.size()); // this gives the size as 0, that means the above line of code did not add the kid to the list.
system.debug(pobj.Name); // this gave me the name as hello. Why was this variable updated but above list could not be?