I wrote a batch process over the weekend that looks at a child record's date field and updates the corresponding date on the parent record. I originally wrote it as a bunch of if statements and then added the parent id and field to a list. When I ran the batch today I get an error in debug log:
"Duplicate id in list"
This makes me think I need to add the values from the if statements to a map where I can update the record once with all the fields that it needs instead of updating the record multiple times for each possible value.
Here is a snip of batch code I have, how can I adjust to update a record once instead of multiple times.
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c> revPipeSchedule) {
Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c> revPipe = new Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c>();
for(Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c rPS : revPipeSchedule){
if(rPS.Date__c == date.newinstance(2014,10,1)){ revPipe.put(rPS.Revenue_Pipeline__c, Oct2014__c=rPS.Amount__c));}
if(rPS.Date__c == date.newinstance(2014,11,1)){ revPipe.put(rPS.Revenue_Pipeline__c, Nov2014__c=rPS.Amount__c));}
if(rPS.Date__c == date.newinstance(2014,12,1)){ revPipe.put(rPS.Revenue_Pipeline__c, Dec2014__c=rPS.Amount__c));}
if(rPS.Date__c == date.newinstance(2015,01,1)){ revPipe.put(rPS.Revenue_Pipeline__c, Jan2015__c=rPS.Amount__c));}
if(rPS.Date__c == date.newinstance(2015,02,1)){ revPipe.put(rPS.Revenue_Pipeline__c, Feb2015__c=rPS.Amount__c));}
if(rPS.Date__c == date.newinstance(2015,03,1)){ revPipe.put(rPS.Revenue_Pipeline__c, Mar2015__c=rPS.Amount__c));}
.... 47 lines later
update revPipe;