Getting some odd results from a query in a before trigger context

My Account object has a lookup to a object called Region__c. Region__c has a lookup to Division__c.

When I try to query the Division from the Account, it instead only returns the region id:

List<Account> accs = [SELECT Region__r.Division__c 
   FROM Account WHERE Id IN :Trigger.NewMap.Keyset()];

(Account:{Id=0014C000008cL2LQAU, Name=asdas, OwnerId=0053000000BPS4DAAX, Region__c=a0k30000000QnH3AAK})

The only thing I can think of is this is a permissions issue (still would seem like weird behavior), but I've checked Object, FLS, used without sharing, and not to mention I'm running as an admin user.

What am I missing?


If I query the Division directly from the Region it works fine:

for(Account acc : Trigger.new){
   System.debug([SELECT Division__c FROM Region__c WHERE Id = :acc.Region__c]);

(Region__c:{Division__c=a1W3A000001dfIGUAY, Id=a0k30000000QnH3AAK})

  • 2
    Try adding that field in debug.
    – Raul
    Commented Mar 8, 2017 at 7:31

1 Answer 1


When you debug the parent query you will get the id of the lookup only.

To get the vale of the child field you have to explicitly output it.


Another way is the getSObject method if you need the sObject

Region__c tmp = (Region__c)accs.getSObject('Region__r');

Note you can only get field explicitly in the query you created the SObject from

  • I did not know that... The code isn't working as expected and after debugging I got stuck on the fact that it must have something to do with the value not being there. Thanks!
    – NSjonas
    Commented Mar 8, 2017 at 7:36

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