I ran this query below
select id, owner.name, ownerid, title from contentdocument where id = '0695i000007L0FIAA0'
I got this results which shows me the owner id
I then ran another query trying to find all records which belonged to the owner from the above query. But it shows nothing
select id, owner.name, ownerid, title from contentdocument where ownerid = '0052j000000M0XtAAK'
I've noticed on the ContentDocument object when i run a query it doesnt show everything. Is that supposed to happen? I'm not able to find all the records for certain queries but if I use a different query i get different results which is confusing.
Anyone able to shed some light on this?
Select id, ownerId, title from ContentDocument where ownerId = '0052j000000M0XtAAK'
if executed in a soql builder will definitely return the rows