under Email Studio -> Content Menu item -> My Emails folder, we keep our sent emails in various subfolders (say A, B, C, D). We'd like an automated method of moving emails older than 7 days in each folder to archive folders being kept under the same "My Emails" directory (say archive-A, archive-B, etc), something that would run every day.
Does anyone know of a good way of doing this or know of a code sample of something similar already being done? My first preference would be Automation Studio directly but there's no "move emails between subfolders" option that I can see. Second preference would be Server Side Java Script that I would run daily via Automation Studio. [1] is not conclusive, but appears I may be able to retrieve emails based on child folder name and their age, and update each email's parent folder to that of the archive folder before resaving the email to cause the move. Finally I can try working the Marketing Cloud API's Email and DataFolder objects using SOAP calls, however the "folder" property for an email that I would want to modify is listed as deprecated and read-only[2] with no apparent alternative given to replace it.
Any suggestions welcome.
[2] https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.noversion.mc-apis.meta/mc-apis/email.htm