I created a trial account on Salesforce
Developed an Android app using Trailhead: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/mobile_sdk_native_android/mobilesdk_android_getting_started
When I try to login using the Email and Password, it logs in fine but the Fetch Contacts and Fetch Accounts throw this error:
[{"message":"The REST API is not enabled for this Organization.","errorCode":"API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG"}]
The Developer account I used to create the Connected App, has API Enabled and it works fine with the Saleforce1 App.
Somewhere I read:
To be able to use the Rest APIs we need to login with Username(not Email). Which is not the case with Salesforce1 App. Because most of the Users will not have a Username.
And I don't find a way to add a Username. The link under my profile icon which says Add Username keeps asking for login and never actually prompts to create Username.