I need to provide a Community experience via both mobile and web. Taking mobile out of the question for a minute, I believe I can build the required functionality using Lightning Community Builder, using a mix of standard and a few custom Lightning Components. This app could also be accessed on a mobile browser, but client wants an App experience.
The community could be accessed via Salesforce1, but the client wants a branded experience, so that their customers can download the ClientCo app from an App Store (iOS or GooglePlay). So the question: Is there a way to build a Mobile SDK wrapper for a Community that is built with Lightning Community Builder? I've considered just building a simple Hybrid App that sends you to the Community Login page, but I'm concerned that Locker Service will cause a problem with the Cordova integration layer. Is this a concern?
Besides wanting to provide a branded app, we will like also need to support Push Notifications, and to allow document uploads via the device's camera. Can this be done in a Mobile SDK app that wraps a Lightning Community Builder community? Any special caveats? I'd like to be sure we are considering all possible issues during design, before we begin building.