I have a currency field that is defined as 16,2 for the length and decimal places. On my VF page, I refer to the field below, and I get 4 decimal places. Why does that happen, and how do I resolve this?


                     <apex:column >
                      <apex:facet name="header"> 

1 Answer 1


The database will hold more than the precision and scale defined on the field. If it was entered with 4 decimals the database stores 4 decimals

Using the apex:outputfield instead of simply if displaying the merge variable will get you the formatting defined for the field.

You could also use java message format like so

<apex:outputText value="{0,number,###,###.00}">
      <apex:param value="{!youfield}"/>
  • oh, i didn't know that the field would store additional precision. I can't use apex:output field, because i'm running into state issues on the page. Commented Nov 8, 2016 at 6:34
  • Then fix the state issues or use java messaging to format the output
    – Eric
    Commented Nov 8, 2016 at 6:35

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