I'm creating a custom Theme Layout for Communities. I've created a Lightning Component and I would like to use the customization options available in Community Builder and reference them from within my template (See image below). Specifically, I would like to access the "Header Image" value, but the other properties would be nice to know as well.
Do I access these in the component like so? (And what are the property names?)
<aura:component implements="forceCommunity:themeLayout" access="global" description="My Theme Layout">
<img src="{!v.nameForHeaderImageProperty}">
Or are they accessible as design tokens in the CSS? (And what are the property names?)
.header {
background-image: t(nameForHeaderImageProperty);
I've scoured the SFDC dev site as well as the '16 and '17 release notes, but can't seem to find this answer.