I've a VF page; in which i 've to allow user to select only one checkbox. when user select one checkbox, it should deselect another checkbox. i've to add row on vf as per requirement(as shown in img). how can i do this.
My VF page code ;
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Client Attendees" columns="1">
<apex:outputPanel id="clientAttendeesPanel">
<apex:variable var="iterator" value="{!0}"/>
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!clientAttendees}" var="attendee">
<!-- Actions -->
<apex:column headerValue="Actions" style="width:10px">
<apex:commandLink onclick="if (window.confirm('Are you sure?')) onDeleteClientAttendee({!iterator}); return false;"
<apex:variable var="iterator" value="{!iterator + 1}"/>
<!-- Contact Name -->
<apex:column headerValue="Contact Name" style="width:10px">
<apex:inputField value="{!attendee.Contact_Name__c}" id="clientAttendee">
<a href="javascript:openQuickCreateClientAttendee('{!$Component.clientAttendee}', '{!$Component.targetId}')" class="createLink">
Create Client Attendee
<!-- Primary Client Attendee -->
<apex:column headerValue="Primary Client Attendee">
<apex:inputField value="{!attendee.Primary_Client_Attendee__c}" style="width:300px"/>
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<apex:outputLink styleClass="createLink" onclick="onAddClientAttendee(); return false;">
+ Add another Client Attendee
VF page screen shot is