I have a VisualForce Page with 2 page links and an iFrame. The 2 links are above my iFrame and I want to have the iFrame view these 2 different pages when clicked. This works the way I want it to in Classic but not in Lightning. When this is viewed in Lightning it just opens the 2 differet URLs in New Tabs on my browser... it does not keep the redirect in the iFrame. I have posted the code below... Please Help!
<apex:page >
<br />
<a href="https://www.google.com/DesktopTraining.html" target="Test1">Desktop Training</a>
<br />
<a href="https://www.google.com/MobileTraining.html" target="Test1">Mobile Training</a>
src="https://www.google.com/DesktopTraining.html" width="100%" height="1610" scroll="yes" name="Test1">