I have a problem when I try to get and information about Opportunities.
This is my Query:
List<Opportunity> opp = [SELECT o.id, o.ownerid, o.name, o.AccountId, o.Type, o.Amount, o.Account.Last_Meeting_Date__c from Opportunity o, o.Account a where ownerid =: UserInfo.getUserId()];
This query get all information about Opportunities related with the user... I need get a SUM(o.Amount) grouped by owner. Knowing this the new query AggregateResult is so:
[SELECT o.id id, o.ownerid owner, o.name name, o.AccountId account, o.Type type, sum(o.Amount) total, o.Account.Last_Meeting_Date__c last_meeting_date from Opportunity o, o.Account a where ownerid =: u.id group by o.id, o.ownerid, o.name, o.AccountId, o.Account.Last_Meeting_Date__c, o.Type]
How to know show this information into VisualForce Page. I need show the information in this format:
Opportunity Owner
Opportunity Name | Sum of Amount
Opportunity Owner
Opportunity Name | Sum of Amount
from Opportunity o, o.account
is not valid syntax