I am trying to insert Account/Contact/Customer records into SFDC using Rest API. i have written the following class. I am able to create the Accounts and Contacts, but I'm having issues creating Customer records. In my setup, Customer is a child of Contacts, and Contacts a child of Accounts. How should I rewrite my class and JSON to insert Customer records along with Contacts and Accounts in a single call? Here's my apex class:

global with sharing class OrderWebServices{

   global static void createSomething(Wrapper1 test){

         Account obj = new Account();
         obj.Name = test.name;
         obj.AccountNumber = test.accountnumber;
         obj.External_Id__c = test.externalid;
         insert obj;
         List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact>();

         for(Wrapper2 con : test.Wrapper2){
                  Contact obj2 = new Contact();
                  obj2.LastName = con.lastname;
                  obj2.Email = con.email;
                  obj2.AccountId = obj.Id;
         insert conList;
        //Below doesn't insert related Customer
        List<Customer__c> csList = new List<Customer__c>();
        for(Wrapper3 cs : test.Wrapper2){
                  Customer__c obj3 = new Customer__c();
                  obj3.LastName__c = cs.lastname;
                  obj3.Email__c = cs.email;
                  obj3.AccoountId = obj.Id;
         insert csList;      
    global with sharing class Wrapper1{
      public String name{get;set;}
      public String accountnumber{get;set;}
      public List<Wrapper2> Wrapper2{get;set;}
    global with sharing class Wrapper2{
     public String lastname{get;set;}
     public String email{get;set;}
    public List<Wrapper3> Wrapper3{get;set;}//Add this for Customer object?
    global with sharing class Wrapper3{
     public String lastname{get;set;}
     public String email{get;set;}

Here's my JSON:

"test": {
    "name": "Test Acc",
    "accountnumber": "12345",
    "externalid": "12345",
    "Wrapper2": [{
        "lastnmame": "last",
        "email": "[email protected]",            
        "Wrapper3": [{
            "lastname": "customer",
            "email": "[email protected]"
        "lastnmame": "last2",
        "email": "[email protected]",            
        "Wrapper3": [{
            "lastname": "customer2",
            "email": "[email protected]"

The Account record and Contact records are inserted, but the associated Customer__c records are not inserted. I have an external id field 'External_Id__c' which ties all three records, even though Contact is a child of Accounts, and Customer__c is a child of Contacts.

How can I revise the class to be able to insert multiple contacts and multiple Customer__c records?

  • 1
    For one thing you are never referencing the Wrapper3 field of the Wrapper2. class. Better to use different naming for classes and fields to avoid confusion, particularly when the field is actually holding an array/list and not a single object. You will have to loop over the Wrapper2 objects again to collect your Wrapper3 objects and have the parent Wrapper2 Id's available (after the Wrapper2 objects have been inserted).
    – Keith C
    Commented Jul 28, 2016 at 16:28
  • @KeithC - A bit dizzy now lol
    – Eric
    Commented Jul 29, 2016 at 0:55
  • @KeithC - Thank you!
    – user8556
    Commented Jul 29, 2016 at 18:59
  • @Eric - Hahaha!
    – user8556
    Commented Jul 29, 2016 at 19:00

1 Answer 1


You can create ContactWrapper class which contains standard Contact as a field and list of customers.


global with sharing class OrderWebServicesV2 {

    private class OrderWrapper {
        Account account;
        list<ContactWrapper> contacts;

    private class ContactWrapper {
        Contact contact;
        list<Customer__c> customers;

    global static String doPost() {

        OrderWrapper container = (OrderWrapper)System.JSON.deserialize(

        Account acc = container.account;
        insert acc;

        list<Contact> contactsToInsert = new list <Contact>();
        for (ContactWrapper wcon :container.contacts) {
            wcon.contact.accountId = acc.id;
        insert contactsToInsert;

        //now wrapper list contains contact ids
        list<Customer__c> customersToInsert = new list <Customer__c>();
        for (ContactWrapper wcon :container.contacts) {
            for (Customer__c customer :wcon.customers) {
                customer.Contact__c = wcon.contact.id;
        insert customersToInsert;
        return acc.id;


    "account": {
        "name": "Wonderland"
    "contacts": [{
        "contact": {
            "LastName": "Alice",
            "Email": "[email protected]"
        "customers": [{
            "lastname__c": "Mad Hatter",
            "email__c": "[email protected]"
        }, {
            "lastname__c": "Cheshire Cat",
            "email__c": "[email protected]"
    }, {
        "contact": {
            "LastName": "Queen",
            "Email": "[email protected]"
        "customers": [{
            "lastname__c": "King",
            "email__c": "[email protected]"

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