Trying to add Users with Customer Community to CaseShare. Getting first error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY, insufficient access rights on cross-reference id. I have my assumptions but I need confirmation before I go back to the client. I am adding users that associated to Contacts for the same Account that the User(Contact) is associated to in a Trigger on Insert... The following is the code.
Controller has without sharing set.
List conList = new List(); List contList = new List(); List accList = new List(); List accntList = new List(); List caseList = new List(); Map uList = new Map();
//Getting Account Ids from the triggered Case
for(Case c : newObjectList) {
// Getting the Accounts that have Record Type DC
for(Account a : [SELECT id, RecordType.Name FROM Account WHERE id = :accList AND RecordType.Name = 'DC']) {
// Processing only if there is any account with DC Record type
if(accntList.size() > 0) {
// Getting all the contacts that belong to the above accounts
for(Contact c : [SELECT id, accountid, User_Id__c from Contact WHERE accountId = :accntList ]) {
// Removing the contact id who had created the case
for(case c : newObjectList) {
for(Integer i = 0; i < contList.size();i++) {
if(!contlist[i].id.equals(c.contactid)) {
// Getting the UserId for the contacts with whom the case has to be shared
// only if there is any contact
// Sharing the case with the contacts of respective accounts
for(Case c : newObjectList) {
for(Integer i =0; i < conList.size(); i++) {
if(c.accountid.equals(conList[i].accountid) && uList.containsKey(conList[i].Id)) {
if(uList.get(conList[i].Id) != UserInfo.getUserId() || string.valueOf(c.CreatedBy) != string.valueOf(uList.get(conList[i].Id ))){
CaseShare cs = new CaseShare();
cs.CaseAccessLevel = 'Edit';
cs.CaseId = c.Id;
cs.UserOrGroupId = uList.get(conList[i].Id);
if (!caseList.isEmpty())
insert caseList;