I have a custom controller with a couple of class methods I'd like to test, one of these class methods is a remote action:

global with sharing class MyCustomController {

 public class MyCustomController(){

    public static Boolean shareObject(string objectId){

    public Map<String, String> getFieldsForSelectedObject(String searchObject){    

Can someone point me in the right direction regarding the proper way to test these methods? Should I just plan to do it like black-box style and pass in an input and test the output is what would be expected?

1 Answer 1


Here is a skeleton of what your tests should look like:

class MyCustomControllerTests
    // Method stubs below

Testing Your Constructor

static testMethod void testConstructor()
    // If you do complex setup in your constructor test it here.
    // Otherwise a constructor test is likely unnecessary.

Testing Your Remote Action

static testMethod void testShareObject_PositiveCase()
    // Set up data so you will get back true

        Boolean result = MyCustomController.shareObject(someInput);

    system.assertEquals(true, result, 'Explanatory message here');
static testMethod void testShareObject_NegativeCase()
    // Set up data so you will get back false

        Boolean result = MyCustomController.shareObject(someInput);

    system.assertEquals(false, result, 'Explanatory message here');

Testing Your Map Method

static testMethod void testGetFieldsForSelectedObject()
    // You should really rewrite this method 
    // so its parameter type is SObjectType instead of String.

    // It also seems like it should not be dependent on any controller state
    // in which case you should make the method static.

    // Set up data
    MyCustomController controller = new MyCustomController();

        Map<String, String> data = controller.getFieldsForSelectedObject('MyObject__c');

    system.assertNotEquals(null, data, 'Explanatory message here');
    system.assertEquals(expectedSize, data.size(), 'Explanatory message here');
    // Any other prudent assertions here
  • 1
    Adrian, wouldn't it be MyCustomController.shareObject() instead? Commented Jul 11, 2016 at 19:43

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