Below is my Apex and JS code for my remote action. When I try to run this code I get an error message that says 'Unable to invoke action 'CheckOutLoadingDock.saveNewOrder': no controller and/or function found' and 'Context incomplete - authorization not provided.' Does anybody know why this is happening? Thank you in advance for your help
JS Code
CCRZ.pubSub.on("view:cartCheckoutView:refresh", function(cartCheckoutView) {
cartCheckoutView.saveLoadingDock = function() {
let remoteCall =_.extend(CCRZ.RemoteInvocation, {className: 'CheckOutLoadingDock'});
remoteCall.invokeCtx('saveNewOrder', $('input[name="loadingdock"]:checked').val(), CCRZ.pagevars.currentCartID,
function (resp, event) {
if (event.status) {
console.log('MRAddToCartCustom:getUserDetails:status: ', event.status);
if (resp && resp.success) {
console.log('MRAddToCartCustom:getUserDetails:success: ' + JSON.stringify(;
CCRZ.currentUser.loadingDock =;
} else {
//handle response error here
console.log('MRAddToCartCustom:getUserDetails:Error: ' + JSON.stringify(resp.messages));
} else {
//handle standard RemoteAction failure here
console.log('MRAddToCartCustom:getUserDetails:Error ' + JSON.stringify(resp));
buffer: false, // this call will be executed by itself
nmsp: false // defines that this is a call to a subscriber class
}); // end invokeCtx call
}['click .cc_process_user_info'] = 'saveLoadingDock';
Apex Code
global with sharing class CheckOutLoadingDock {
global static ccrz.cc_RemoteActionResult saveNewOrder(ccrz.cc_RemoteActionContext ctx, String loadingDockInfo, String cartId ){
ccrz.cc_RemoteActionResult res = ccrz.cc_CallContext.init(ctx);
List<ccrz__E_Cart__c> currentCart = [SELECT Id, Loading_Dock_Test__c FROM ccrz__E_Cart__c WHERE Id =:cartId];
currentCart[0].Loading_Dock_Test__c = loadingDockInfo;
update currentCart;
res.success = true;
}catch(Exception e){
return res;
could be an issue if SF uses some private properties that lodash cannot clone properly