I have written a trigger, when opportunityLineItem is inserted the quantity gets scheduled meaning opportunityLineItemSchedule are also gets inserted.

Now to re-enter the quantity I have cloned the edit page of opportunityLineItem where user can re-enter the quantity and schedules can be inserted according to the changed quantity.

But error is coming like

field integrity exception: unknown (scheduling not enabled on product):

1 Answer 1


You need to enable the Schedules to use that functionality.

You can enable it by going to the following from Setup menu: Customize->Products->Product Schedules Settings. You will have an option to enable schedules separately for quantity and revenue.

  • thanks for the reply @vladykx... problem has been solved. At the back end in trigger I was taking Revenue instead of Quantity.
    – Anzar
    Commented Jun 30, 2016 at 9:24

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