I'm trying to get Total_Minutes__c to return a number value based upon a text pickval, but the only value that is working is 45, other picklist values are returning 0.

(If I choose "15 min" or "30 min" or "1hr 30 min" I get a return value of 0, but if I choose "45 min", it returns 45)

I've verified that the formula text matches all picklist values:


IF(ISPICKVAL(Time_Spent__c , "15 min") , 15, 0), IF(ISPICKVAL(Time_Spent__c , "30 min") , 30, 0), IF(ISPICKVAL(Time_Spent__c , "45 min") , 45, 0), IF(ISPICKVAL(Time_Spent__c , "1hr") , 60, 0), IF(ISPICKVAL(Time_Spent__c , "1hr 15 min") , 75, 0), IF(ISPICKVAL(Time_Spent__c , "1hr 30 min") , 90, 0), IF(ISPICKVAL(Time_Spent__c , "1hr 45 min") , 105, 0), IF(ISPICKVAL(Time_Spent__c , "2hr") , 120, 0), IF(ISPICKVAL(Time_Spent__c , "2hr 15 min") , 135, 0), IF(ISPICKVAL(Time_Spent__c , "2hr 30 min") , 150, 0), IF(ISPICKVAL(Time_Spent__c , "2hr 45 min") , 165, 0), IF(ISPICKVAL(Time_Spent__c , "3hr") , 180, 0) )

  • Is this a multi-select picklist?
    – o-lexi
    Commented May 6, 2016 at 20:51
  • 1
    @Oleksiy you cannot use ispickval on multiselect picklist help.salesforce.com/…
    – Rao
    Commented May 6, 2016 at 20:56

2 Answers 2


Your usage of CASE() isn't quite right. You don't need to use ISPICKVAL() if your CASE() function is operating on a picklist field.

The syntax is

 [test value 1], [result 1],
 [test value 2], [result 2],
 [test value n], [result n],
 [default result]

To get the result you want, the first few lines of your CASE should be

    "15 min", 15,
    "30 min", 30,

As an interesting exercise, I'll try to explain why your provided snippet was returning 45 for '45 min' and 0 for everything else.

tl;dr: you managed to create a formula that effectively dynamically changed the formula being evaluated, based on the value of a field

Why was it returning the correct value for '45 min'?

Your first IF(ISPICKVAL()) was being used as the expression that all of the subsequent cases were testing against.

IF(ISPICKVAL(Time_Spent__c, '15 min'), 15, 0) returns either 0 or 15.

Your second and third IF(ISPICKVAL()) were acting as the first test and result. The third and fifth acted as the second test/result, and so on.

For '45 min', the CASE became

 IF('45 min' == '15 min'), 15, 0),
 IF('45 min' == '30 min'), 30, 0), IF(('45 min' == '45 min'), 45, 0),

which simplifies to

 0, 45,

or simply

IF(0 == 0, 45, 0)

Why was this the only non-zero value that would ever be returned?

Simplifying the entirety of your original CASE looks like this

// when Time_Spent__c was '15 min'
    0, 0,
    0, 0,
    0, 0,
    0, 0,
    0, 0,

// when Time_Spent__c was '30 minutes'
    30, 0,
    0, 0,
    0, 0,
    0, 0,
    0, 0,

// when Time_Spent__c was '75 minutes'
// with overlapping test values, the first one (0, 0) is used
// ...or maybe the last one is used.
// It couldn't just be going to the default case, or you would have seen 
//  the proper value for 3 hours
    0, 0,
    0, 75,
    0, 0,
    0, 0,
    0, 0,

Given those 3 cases above, you should be able to extrapolate why the rest of the values produced a result of '0'.


Use TEXT() function picklist field. For Example if your switch statement is like CASE(Field__C,'val1','result1',...)

than change it to


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