I want to create one formula field and i want to assign value to it on base of picklist value.

for example there is one field name property_status_c(picklist) and formula field count_c.

How can i do like if in my record, Property_status_c = submitted, Then i want to assign 1 to count_c. count_c=1.

  • 1
    is this the only value you want to assign? Or also 2, 3, etc? And based on what inputs would those be assigned? Commented Apr 15, 2016 at 14:00
  • @Guy No not 2,3 or any thing. If Property_status_c = submitted OR close i just want to assign 1 to formula field. Commented Apr 15, 2016 at 14:02

1 Answer 1


Create a formula field of type 'number'. In the formula field, put an IF statement or, even cleaner, a CASE:


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