how to create child records on the basis of parent record field multiselect picklist,if picklist have 1 value,create single child record.if picklist have 2 values,create 2 records of child

1 Answer 1


Here is an example with Account and Contact.

Let's say Account has MultiSelectPicklist__c which holds the values like this:


Then it will first create a List splitting the by ';' and then looping through the lstValues create a list on Contacts and then insert the Contact List.

Account acct = [Select Id, MultiSelectPicklist__c FROM Account WHERE Id = '<record Id>'];

String str = acct.MultiSelectPicklist__c;
List<Contact> lstCon = new List<Contact>();

if(str !=null)
    List<String> lstValues = str.split(';');
    for(String pkValue: lstValues)
        Contact con = new Contact(AccountId = acct.Id, LastName='LastName ' + pkValue);
    insert lstCon;
  • i am trying to execute above code,but not getting the value in str/
    – shweta
    Commented Jul 3, 2017 at 11:44
  • List<Opportunity_Splits__c> lstCon = new List<Opportunity_Splits__c>(); Opportunity oppt= [Select Id, Practice__c FROM Opportunity WHERE id IN :OpportunityIds]; system.debug('-----oppt--------'+oppt); String str = oppt.Practice__c ; system.debug('-----str --------'+str ); if(str !=null) { List<String> lstValues = str.split(';'); for(String pkValue: lstValues) { Opportunity_Splits__c con = new Opportunity_Splits__c(Opportunity__c = oppt.Id, Practice__c=pkValue); lstCon.add(con); } insert lstCon;}}
    – shweta
    Commented Jul 3, 2017 at 11:48
  • did you investigate that, which line is giving error? what is get printed in debug log? Commented Jul 3, 2017 at 15:37
  • String str = acct.MultiSelectPicklist__c; this give str =0 in debug,but opportunity have values in multi picklist field.
    – shweta
    Commented Jul 4, 2017 at 6:30
  • I have given an example how to parse, you need to use this kind of code based on your usecase Commented Jul 4, 2017 at 13:30

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